About Kim Kerton
Kim Kerton aka Good Side of the Bed
Good Side of the Bed Kim Kerton
Unemployed & Afraid Podcast

Meet Kim Kerton aka Good Side of the Bed.

Like all good stories, mine isn’t very short…. but it’s worth the read.

I'm a branded-podcast consultant (which I’m sure you guessed by now if you’ve been hanging out on this site) as well as a celebrated podcast host of the popular small business podcast Unemployed & Afraid, where I explore the glorious chaos of building micro, small and medium businesses, with the people doing it - it’s a great pod and I’d love you to give it a listen.

As the Founder of Good Side of the Bed, a boutique consulting firm that specializes in the education and strategic ideation of podcasting for brands, marketers and business owners, I help you build great podcast shows and networks that will work hard for your business.

I’ve worked in the audio and branded content industry for over 15 years with brands like ARN, Nova Entertainment, Tourism Tasmania, Tedx, Vodafone, Ford, CBUS Super, Squarespace, Tourism & Events Queensland, Bendigo Bank and more, creating show-stopping branded content that’s built on customer and cultural insights, for faster brand growth and a deep connection to audience.

I'm both creative and commercially minded, which allows me to seamlessly switch from creating branded-content initiatives with leading marketers that strike the perfect balance between audience connection and marketing outcomes, to delivering life-enriching business content to audiences through my own podcast, writing or speaking engagements.

And I’m a natural educator and gifted interviewer (feels awks to say that about myself, as all business owners will tell you when forced to promote themselves, but the feedback doesn’t lie).

The journey I took to get here is unique... 

I was a baby entrepreneur, creating and closing two businesses before the age of 21 (we’ll need to grab a cuppa for that story), before spending over a decade in the commercial radio/audio business in branded content, strategy, sales and leadership.

I got back to my entrepreneurial self during a two-year “career sabbatical” taken after I resigned from an engaging and high-responsibility role leading the branded entertainment team CREATE at Nova Entertainment in Sydney. My plan was simply to see what else was out there for me - the year was 2020 so now you know why “career sabbatical” was in quotation marks.

But what’s with the Good Side of the Bed name I hear you ask? (I didn’t hear you, but I’m guessing you’re a little like “seriously though, what’s with the brand name”).

I started Good Side of the Bed as a recipe blog in 2014 - shame I didn’t stick with it, that 2014 organic socials growth would have been real handy right about now. After a cooking hiatus, 13 years in the corporate media world, and finding myself in the 2020 employment chaos,  I reclaimed the name and got entrepreneurial. 

Through the brand of Good Side of the Bed I’ve taught down-to-earth Yoga classes online, IRL and for VIP guests at high-end accommodations, I’ve re-embraced my plant-based recipes even producing a stack of branded-content for partners, and also created a range of wildly popular hand-made ceramic homewares that were all about celebrating a simple uniqueness. Then I started the Unemployed & Afraid podcast as I felt that business conversations were lacking diversity in their scale, inspiring realism and success measures, which was both a cultural insight I observed and a strong hunch that turned out to be right.

For me, Good Side of the Bed represents the power of expressing your unique message through all you create - making good things and a positive impact - and it’ll forever be my social media alias (I do love a strong brand, which explains the whole Unemployed & Afraid thing). 

I’m a proud multi-hyphenate and believe there’s real magic in following your curiosity and continuously evolving. That said, big change and business growth is tough, so I do what I can to keep learning and share those learnings widely to support others looking to make a positive impact through their businesses.

But back to what I do here…

Through my branded podcast advisory I help you develop a deep podcast knowledge and strategic, brand aligned concepts that stand out in-market, achieve business outcomes, and connect deeply with your dream audience through your owned podcast content.

My unique combination of extensive commercial acumen, deep knowledge of audio media and branded content marketing, plus hands-on experience as an audio creator, marketer and business owner, makes me a powerful partner and guide for your brand-owned podcast journey.

People say some nice things about working with me. Check out some testimonials here

Kim Kerton Good Side of the Bed

Featured In

Some achievements I’m proud of…

Some of the podcast productions I’ve provided strategic ideation and direction for…